
Achieving the Dream | OER Course Library

A library of open courses created for the OER Degree Initiative

Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative promoted affordability and innovation at community colleges by supporting large scale OER adoption. From 2016-2018, 38 US community colleges across 13 states designed degree pathways using only openly licensed instructional materials.

OER Course Library

Each of the 38 colleges of the OER Degree Initiative created an OER degree pathway made up of 20-30 courses. In total, the initiative produced hundreds of courses. You can access many of them on the Catalog page.

Browse ATD's OER Courses


Research on OER Degree Pathways

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ascendium Education Group funded the research and evaluation of the OER Degree Initiative, which was led by our project partners SRI Education and rpk GROUP.  Over the course of the initiative ATD released two interim reports and one final report.  You can access all three reports here.

Read the Reports


Conceived as an initiative in 2004 by Lumina Foundation and seven founding partner organizations, Achieving the Dream now leads the most comprehensive non-governmental reform movement for student success in higher education. Together with our Network of over 300 institutions of higher education, 75 coaches and advisors, and numerous investors and partners working throughout 45 states and the District of Columbia, ATD is helping more than 4 million community college students have a better chance of realizing greater economic opportunity and achieving their dreams.

Learn more about Achieving the Dream...