62 Outcome: Group Dynamics

Define types of groups and describe how group dynamics are impacted by leadership, size, and conformity

“Would you jump off a cliff just because your friends are doing it?” You may think about this age-old question differently after reading this section about groups and conformity. You’ll see that the pressure to conform with a group sometimes leads people to do uncharacteristic and sometimes obviously stupid things. You’ll also learn that the size and leadership styles of a group greatly affects how members act. Even weak connections with others form an important network that provide us with benefits and opportunities, as explained in the following video:

What you’ll learn to do:

  • Understand primary and secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, and reference groups
  • Describe how size influences group dynamics
  • Compare different styles of leadership
  • Explain how conformity is impacted by groups


The learning activities for this section include:

  • Reading: Types of Groups
  • Reading: Group Size and Structure
  • Reading: Leadership Styles
  • Reading: Conformity
  • Self-Check: Group Dynamics

Supplemental Material

Even weak connections with others form an important network that provide us with benefits and opportunities, as explained in this video from Norton Sociology.


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