
254 How Seminars Will Be Graded – Part III

When I grade the seminar, I will be looking for the following things in your responses.

  1. The response is given a subject title. It must be a complete sentence that is a shortened version of the opinion you are expressing. The title that is automatically given to your response and begins with “re:”  must be deleted and replaced with a complete sentence that states your opinion.
  2. The response includes the phrases, “In my opinion” and “My evidence is.”
  3. At least two facts are presented that support the opinion being expressed by the response.
  4. The source of the facts is identified. If the information is from the text, the chapter and section number is given (e.g. Ch. 5-F). If the information is from another book, the title and author are given. If the information is from a web site the URL (address) of the web site is given.

5. Correct spelling is used.

You can respond both to questions asked by other students and to the responses other students have made to your own question; however, when you respond to others’ responses to you, you still must follow all the rules listed above.

A response will not count towards the required six posts if it has either of the following problems:

  1. You say your evidence is any of the following: my personal beliefs, my own opinions, my thoughts, my feelings, or anything similar.
  2. It provides the same evidence from the text that has already been provided by another student responding to the same question.

Sample Question

Subject: Is it good for the Court to hold the power of judicial review?

The text explains in Ch. 5-F that judicial review is an informal method of constitutional change. Judicial review includes the right of the Supreme Court to rule acts of Congress unconstitutional. In your opinion, is it good for the Court to have this right?

Examples of Good Responses

Subject: Judicial review adapts the Constitution to modern situations
In my opinion it is good thing that the Court has this power.

My evidence for this is found in Ch. 5-F. The text notes that judicial review strengthens the system of checks and balances. It is a way to make sure the actions of Congress, the president, and state governments conform to the Constitution. For example, in the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the Court used judicial review to declare that state laws requiring school segregation were unconstitutional.

Subject: Judicial review may overrule the will of the people
In my opinion, the Court should not hold the power of judicial review. When a law is passed by Congress or a state legislature, it represents the will of the people. It has been passed by their elected representatives. When the Court strikes down such a law, nine unelected justices are placing their own view above that of the people.

My evidence for this is from a web site entitled, Judicial Review and Executive Responsibility. (http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/bates/050322) The site concerns the famous Terri Schiavo case. Terri was a 41 year old brain damaged woman whose husband requested that her feeding tube be removed. The Florida State legislature attempted to authorize protection for her continued access to nutrition but this effort was rule unconstitutional by the Florida State Supreme Court. The feeding tube was removed and Terri died.
Remember, in each seminar you must make five responses.


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