354 Discussion Forum_Research Michelangelo’s Pietas

Discussion Forum_Michelangelo’s Pietas
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Michelangelo’s Pietas
If we look at the evolution of the theme of the Pietas by Michelangelo , we will see remarkable changes.
Image URL   http://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-arthistory/chapter/the-high-renaissance/
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Here are supplementary websites that might be helpful in your having successful learning outcomes, but are not required for your success in the discussion forum. You may always to independent research on the topics found in the discussion forum.
As an example, I ask that you compare a medieval Pieta with Michelangelo’s. 
Compare and contrast the Medieval Pieta ( Rottgen Pieta) with Michelangelo’s Pietas.
Khan Academy in your Lumen text has information about both. You may use the links below, or through your own search, find your own information to compare the two.
Khan Academy
URL Source www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/early-europe-and-colonial-americas/medieval-europe-islamic-world/a/rottgen-pieta
The idea is to create our own Wikipedia on this subject, posting anything that you find into the class discussion.
In addition , reply to other posts, even following up with research on something that you read in another post.
From the classical beauty of the early Pieta in St. Peter’s transformed into the two gaunt figures, in the Milan Pieta_Rondanini Pieta .
It is this later work that we see all of the anxieties that we are with us in the modern world.
Some say that the renaissance is when “doubt entered the world “. 
What does that mean?
What exactly did the Renaissance artist begin to doubt?
How do we see that doubt portrayed in the late sculpture of this theme of the Pieta?
We can also stretch this a bit further, and look at Mary’s human characteristics in these works.
As a point of reference, compare to a contemporary image of the Virgin Mary :
Chris Ofili_Holy Virgin Mary    USE LINK BELOW
So often we forget to ask simple questions about images we see in an artwork. When we look at the Pieta, how is Mary portrayed, what type of person is she?
How come she is so young in the Michelangelo’s early work?
And we compare this image of a woman with some of the modern images that are with us every day, how are they different?
Compare and contrast the Medieval Pieta ( Rottgen Pieta) with Michelangelo’s Pietas
How about expanding this to include other images of Virgin Mary, like this one on a grilled cheese sandwich:


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