
38 Links and Attributions

Special thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for their contribution to our site.  The information above came from Microsoft Encarta. Here is a hyperlink to the Microsoft Encarta home page.  http://www.encarta.msn.com
Related Sites of Interest:
All sites have been renamed to be self-explanatory.   Some of these links also have links to explore..
A major search engine: Judaism and Jewish Resources – Andrew Tannenbaum
UCal @Davis INTRO TO JUDAISM HOMEPAGEEverything about Judiaism


Jewish Beliefs–13 Principles
HISTORICAL CHART – time-line for the History of Judaism
NOVA -Lost Tribes of Israel
Calendar of Jewish Holidays
A Cybrary of the Holocaust, Remember.org

An Invitation to Understanding Bar and Bat Mitzvahs   By Allison De Meulder


Indexes & Directories History Gateway
Reference Desk Holocaust Studies
Digital Library American Jews

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory
“Comprehensive list of links to academic associations, research institutes, study programs, libraries, archives, e-mail discussion groups and other WWW resources in the field of academic Jewish Studies worldwide. Offers direct access to online library catalogs and to ‘RAMBI – Index of Articles in Jewish Studies’.  Part of the WWW-Virtual Library.”
Provided by the Jewish Studies Dept., University of Duisburg, Germany

The Jewish History Resource Center
A well organized and extensive collection of academic resources.  A selection of the units include Databases; Biblical History; Syllabi; Libraries – Archives; American Jewish History; Grants & Fellowships; Basic Readings; and much more.
The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Ultimate Jewish/Israel Link Launcher
Sections include: Politics ; Judaism ; Culture ; Local ; People ; History ; Antisemitism ; Information ; Travel ; Business ; Academic ; Organizations.
By Steve Ruttenberg, University of Colorado

Academic Jewish Studies on the Internet
“This network is one of the oldest Internet projects in the humanities, initially operating under the name Judaica/He’Asif, starting in February 1989, operating out of Tel Aviv University. In 1991, the network moved to the University of Minnesota, and in 1993 it became part of the H-Net Consortium in collaboration with the Shamash Project.”

“We provide a neutral space to study the Torah, Mitzvot and their meaning to Reform Jews. We are searching for a common thread of knowledge, belief and practice that can be agreed upon and used to unify Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews. We support amateur Torah scholarship and provide resources to beginning students of Biblical Hebrew and Torah.”

Conversion to Judaism
“The Conversion to Judaism Home Page is the web site of the Conversion to Judaism Resource Center. The Center provides information and advice to people who are considering converting to Judaism and to those who have converted.”
By Lawrence J. Epstein

Dead Sea Scrolls
An exhibit at the Library of Congress. The online exhibit includes images of 12 scroll fragments and 29 other objects loaned by the Israel Antiquities Authority. The exhibit also includes introductions to the Qumran library and community and the ‘World of the Scrolls’

H-Judaic Home Page
Jewish Studies Online

Israel Social Sciences Data Center
“…established by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a mission to collect, preserve and distribute data of interest to the academic community…The ISDC now houses approximately 1200 datasets including national sample survey data, local studies, census micro-data, government records in selected fields as well as macro-economic series…Sources of data include the Central Bureau of Statistics, central and local government agencies, research institutes as well as independent researchers from the affiliated academic institutes.”

Jewish History Resource Center
” This Website from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem serves primarily as a fine gateway on Jewish History resources. Topics covered include biblical history, the Second Temple and the Talmudic Era, the Holocaust, Archaeology, Zionism and the State of Israel, American Jewish History, and Women’s Studies, among others. Also available on-site are a listing of Hebrew University Dissertations; a conference calendar; annotated directories of relevant archives, libraries, and databases; numerous bibliographies indexed by historical topics, and much more. The site is frequently updated and easily navigated. [DC]”
From The Scout Report for Social Sciences [04/18/00], Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000. http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/
The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Jewish Learning Index
“Project Genesis promotes further Jewish education about our Jewish roots, as represented in Jewish sources. Project Genesis believes that this is the best way to restore self-respect, self-confidence, and an interest in our own continuity, among modern Jewish collegiates and unaffiliated Jews worldwide. Project Genesis works to establish a strong Jewish identity, expand Jewish knowledge, and encourage its participants to become more involved with Judaism and the Jewish community.”
Study sections include: Torah Portion ; Jewish Law ; Ethics ; Texts ; Seasons ; Features ; Jewish Basics.
From torah.org


Jewish National and University Library, Hebrew University

The Library Catalogue

Jewish Ozzies’ Inter.Net (J.O.I.N.)
“…the  non-profit association which helps organisations and individuals to participate in the Jewish internet and learn about matters of importance and interest to the Australian Jewish community.”

Jewish Student Online Research Center (JSOURCE)
“JSOURCE is not an index or search engine for surfing the web. We purposely avoided links with other sites to make this a one-stop shop for information. Our goal is to provide the basic information you need to be informed, whether it is to satisfy your own interest or to prepare for a research paper, speech, article or debate.”

Jewish Studies Resources
“The page links to academic resources in field of Jewish studies and is partially annotated. There are links to important online databases in Jewish studies, major libraries and archives, and other subjects such as history, the Holocaust, Israel, Bible, and full-text resources. The page is updated on a regular basis.”
Nancy Pressman Levy, Hebrew and African Studies Selector, Princeton University Library

Jewish Women’s Archive
“The mission of the Jewish Women’s Archive is to uncover, chronicle, and transmit the rich legacy of Jewish women and their contributions to our families and communities, to our people and our world.”
Sections include: Exhibits ; Virtual Archive ; Resources.

Jewish/Israel History
Sections on genealogy, ancient Israel, diaspora history and Israel

Judaism and Jewish Resources
Mix of both practice and academic sites.
Maintained by Andrew Tannenbaum

Judaica Collection
Both religious and political links

A meta-directory of thousands of  links

“Links for students and scholars of Early Judaism and Christianity, offering a selective, annotated guide to various web sites.”
Sections include: Early Judaism & Christianity ; General Christian Links ; General Jewish Links ; Religious Studies ; Classical Studies ; Library Resources ; Publishers & Booksellers ; Software for Theology ; Greek & Hebrew Fonts ; Desk References ; Search Engines ; Directories ; World News ; Web-Servant.
By Loren T. Stuckenbruck and Jerry D. Truex

Yad Vashem on the Internet
“Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, was established in 1953 by an act of the Israeli Knesset…Yad Vashem’s task is to perpetuate the legacy of the Holocaust to future generations so that the world never forgets the horrors and cruelty of the Holocaust. Its principal missions are commemoration and documentation of the events of the Holocaust, collection, examination and publication of testimonies to the Holocaust, the collection and memorialization of the names of Holocaust victims, research and education.”

Yad Vashem Magazine (Internet Edition)

Additional Sites of Interest

Adam and Eve Archive
The biblical story in Judaism and Christianity
Gary A. Anderson, University of Virginia & Michael E. Stone, Hebrew University

aronson.com – Jewish Books
Online Jewish bookstore

The Aseneth Home Page
“…the web site devoted to Joseph and Aseneth, a tale told about the Biblical Patriarch Joseph and his Egyptian wife Aseneth, usually classed as part of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. This page was created to coincide with course THM393 (Set Texts) taught the Spring Semester 1999 in the Department of Theology, University of Birmingham. You will find here an introduction, a translation, bibliography and links.”
By Dr Mark Goodacre, University of Birmingham

Chabad-Lubavitch in Cyberspace
“This is the official host of the world-wide Chabad-Lubavitch Movement, a project of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch – the educational arm of the Lubavitch movement.”
Includes daily and weekly lectures and is available in eight languages

They offer custom-designed vacations for individuals and groups to Israel through their websites.

The Jews of Bukhara
“This is a brief outline of the history of the Jewish community of Bukhara (also written Bokhara or Bochara), Uzbekistan, from earliest times to the present.”
Donna L. Carr

An overview by Alan Humm

Material Culture
Ancient Canaanites, Israelites and Related Peoples

Philo of Alexandria
Resources for the study of Philo of Alexandria
Includes online texts, introduction, articles, and reviews.
By Torrey Seland, Prof. Biblical Studies, Volda University College, Norway

SACRED TEXTS:   http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/index.htm
CONTRIBUTOR: Bethany Hessenthaler (2001)
© Copyright Philip A. Pecorino 2001. All Rights reserved.

Web Surfer’s Caveat: These are class notes, intended to comment on readings and amplify class discussion. They should be read as such. They are not intended for publication or general distribution.


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