19 Lesson 7: Numbers 100 and beyond, Dates
29. Números de 100 en adelante
cien ciento un dálmatas ciento setenta y cinco toneladas doscientos doscientas noventa y ocho peras trescientos cuatrocientos quinientos quinientas treinta una libras seiscientos setecientos setecientos uno ochocientos novecientos 1.000 mil mil novecientos cuarenta y dos 11000.000 un millón mil millones de pesetas un billón de dólares |
100 101 Dalmatians (masc.) 175 tons (fem.) 200 298 pears (fem.) 300 400 500 531 pounds (fem.) 600 700 701 800 900 1,000 1942 1,000,000 (noun) a billion pesetas a thousand billion dollars |
• Ciento (100) shortens to cien when it comes directly before a noun and with thousands and millions, but it is ciento when part of a number including tens or units:
cien páginas cien mil habitantes ciento siete el noventa y nueve por ciento |
100 pages 100,000 inhabitants 107 99% |
The conjunction y only joins tens (decenas) and units (unidades): noventa y seis.
• Only multiples of 100 and the number one agree in gender with the noun they qualify:
quinientas tres páginas trescientas una mujeres |
503 pages 301 women |
trescientas mil doscientas treinta y una letras |
• Spanish does not use multiples of a hundred over nine, i.e. fifteen hundred:
mil quinientos, etc.
• Note the period (.) to mark thousands: 1.200 = mil doscientos.
The comma marks the decimal point: π = 3,1416.
• The preposition de is needed to connect nouns with the plural of mil and with the word millón/millones:
dos mil personas miles de personas un millón de mujeres trece millones de dólares |
2,000 people (do not use gente with numbers) thousands of people (not gente) one million women $13M |
B. Exprese en español:
1. a million reasons 2. thousands of lectures 3. a billion dollars 4. five hundred people |
5. fifty percent of the population 6. a thousand billion cells 7. twelve hundred inhabitants |