
29 Glossary and References


Appreciative Listening Listening for entertainment or pleasure purposes. This is the type of listening we might employ listening to music, watching television, or viewing a movie.
Auditory Association The process by which the mind sorts the perceived sound into a category so that heard information is recognized. New stimuli is differentiated by comparing and contrasting with previously heard sounds.
Communication Loop A traditional communication model that has both sender and receiver sharing responsibility for communicating a message, listening, and offering feedback. The sender encodes a message for the receiver to decode. Effectiveness of the communication depends on the two sharing a similar interpretation of the message and feedback (which can be verbal or nonverbal).
Constructive Feedback Focuses on being specific, applicable, immediate, and intends to help the speaker to improve. The feedback should be phrased as “The story you told about you and your sister in Disneyland really helped me to understand your relationship…” rather than “that was great, Jane.”
Critical Listening When we are listening, aiming to gain information with which we will evaluate a speaker, or the product or proposal the speaker is endorsing. This is often employed when we are looking to make choices, or find points of disagreement with a speaker.
“Deaf Spots” The preconceived notions or beliefs a listener might hold dear that can interfere with listening effectively. These are barriers to having an open mind to receive the sender’s message.
Emotional Trigger A word, concept, or idea that causes the listener to react emotionally. When listeners react to a speaker from an emotional perspective, their ability to listen effectively is compromised.
Empathetic (Therapeutic) Listening A level of relationship listening that aims to help the speaker feel heard and understand, also appreciated. This is also known as therapeutic listening as it is employed most often by counselors, conflict mediators, or religious representatives.
Ethos A speaker aims to establish credibility on the topic at hand with her audience by appealing to ethos. This reflects the speaker’s character, her ability to speak to the values of the listener, and her competence to discuss the topic.
Hearing Hearing is a three-step process. It involves receiving sound in the ear, perceiving sound in the brain, and processing the information offered by the sound to associate and distinguish it.
Informational Listening Listening to learn information. For instance, this is the kind of listening students employ in classroom settings to gain knowledge about a topic.
Intrinsic Motivation Effective listeners will find a reason within themselves to want to hear, understand, interpret, and remember the speaker’s message. Wanting to pass a possible quiz is an extrinsic motivation, while wanting to learn the material out of curiosity about the topic is intrinsic motivation.
“Listener’s Lean” Audience members who are intent on what is being said will lean forward. This is a nonverbal endorsement of the listener’s attention and the effect of the speaker’s message.
Listening This is the conscious act of focusing on the words or sounds to make meaning of a message. Listening requires more intentional effort than the physiological act of hearing.
Listening Reminder A note made by a listener acknowledging intent to focus on the speaker’s message and tune out distractions. A reminder might also encourage a listener to keep an open mind, or to provide open and encouraging body language.
Nonverbal Communication Physical behaviors that communicate the message or the feedback from the listener. These include leaning in, nodding one’s head, maintaining eye contact, crossing arms in front of the body, and offering sounds of agreement or dissent.
Pathos An appeal to the audience’s emotions, trying to trigger sympathy, pity, guilt, or sorrow. Pathos, along with ethos, and logos, make up the rhetorical triangle of appeals, according to Aristotle. An effective speaker will appeal to all three.
Relational Listening The active and involved listening we do with people we love and care about. This is listening where we acknowledge our sympathy for the speaker, encourage them to tell more, and build trust with friends or family members by showing interest in their concerns.
Writing for the Ear Keeping in mind, when writing a speech, that you must use language, pace, repetition, and other elements to help your audience to hear and see what you are speaking about. Remember, the listener must hear and understand your message as you speak it.


Adler, M. J. (1983). How to speak, how to listen. New York: Macmillan.

Bell, C. & Mejer, C. (2011, February 13). The silent killers of productivity and profit. ASTD.com. Retrieved from http://www.astd.org/Publications/ Magazines/TD/TD- Archive/2011/02/The-Silent- Killers-of-Productivity-and-Profit

Bommelje, R. (2011). LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN. In The top 10 ways to strengthen your self- leadership. International Listening Leadership Institute. Retrieved from http://www.listening leaders.com/Articles.html

Bommelje, R., Houston, J. M., & Smither, R. (2003). Personality characteristics of effective listening: A five factor perspective. International Journal of Listening, 17, 32- 46.

Boothman, N. (2008). How to make people like you in 90 seconds or less. NY: Workman Publishing.

Brownell, J. (1996). Listening: Attitudes, principles, and skills. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Ellis, D. (1998). Becoming a master student. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Ferrari, B. (2012). Power listening: Mastering the most critical business skill of all. New York: Penguin.

Hoppe, M. H. (2006). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and lead [ebook]. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Ireland, J. (2011, May 4). The kinds of listening skills. Livestrong.com. Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/ 82419-kinds-listening-skills/

Kaponya, P. J. (1991). The human resource professional: Tactics and strategies for career success. New York: Praeger Publishers.

McFerran, J. (2009, August 29). Open-door policy not enough to be a leader who can listen. Winnipeg Free Press. doi:7BS2732928311

Miller, C. (1994). The empowered communicator: Keys to unlocking an audience. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Nichols, R. G. (1957). Listening is a 10 part skill. Chicago, IL: Enterprise Publications. Retrieved from http://d1025403.site.my hosting.com/files.listen.org/Nichol sTenPartSkill/Mr39Enf4.html

Nichols, M. P. (1995). The lost art of listening. New York: Guilford.

Pease, A., & Pease, B. (2006). The definitive book of body language. New York: Bantam Books.

Ramsland, K. M. (1992). The art of learning: A self-help manual for students. Albany: SUNY UP.

VanDeVelde Luskin, C. (2003, September). Mark Lepper: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and the process of learning. In Bing Times Online, Stanford University, retrieved from http://www.stanford.edu/dept/bings chool/cgi-bin/bt/sep2003/mark- lepper-intrinsic-motivation- extrinsic-motivation-and-the- process-of-learning/

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Wobser, A. (2004). Developing positive listening skills: How to really listen. Huntsville, TX. Educational Video Network

photo credits

p. 2 Hearing mechanics http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hearing_mechanics.jpg By Zina Deretsky

P. 3 Senator Joe Biden http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_SEIU_family_listens_to_ Sen._Joe_Biden.jpg by SEIU Walk a Day in My Shoes

p. 3 Chinese symbol for listening http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/65759.htm

p. 4 Navy class http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_061007-N-4399G- 029_Sailors_aboard_the_dock_landing_ship_USS_Harpers_Ferry_(LS D_49)_listen_attentively_to_Wayne_Guillory_give_an_American_Government_class_lecture.jpg By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Charles Thomas Green

p. 5 A public lecture at NAO Rozhen http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lecture_Rozhen.jpg by Daniel Chanliev

p. 6 Esther Brimmer http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Esther_Brimmer_Listens_to_ Debate_at_HRC_emergency_session_on_Syria.jpg by United States Mission Geneva

p. 7 Dachau concentration camp lecture http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Visitors_Listen_to_Lecture_in _Reconstructed_Barracks_-_Dachau_Concentration_Camp_Site_- _Dachau_-_Bavaria_-_Germany.jpg by Adam Jones, Ph.D.

p. 8 William Henry Harrison http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Henry_Harrison_by_James_Reid_Lambdin,_1835.jpg by The White House Historical Association

p. 9 Clemson Tigers http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clemson_Tigers_football_running_down_the_hill.jpg by Jim Ferguson

p. 10 Audience members listen to Trevor Romain, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Defense.gov_photo_essay_090 902-D-4894W-008.jpg by Elaine Wilson