
135 Conclusion, Review Questions, and Activities


The foundation of a group presentation is constructed from all the guidelines you use in an individual presentation coupled with additional strategies for working effectively with others. Group presentations primarily entail group communication, planning, organization, and delivery. Effective groups communicate about interaction roles, decision making, and conflict resolution. Such communication helps the group reflect on group dynamics, customize communication for this speaking group, and establish a unified commitment and collaborative climate.

After a group receives an invitation to speak, they begin by establishing clear objectives related to the group process and/or product. In addition, they direct their preparation by developing a unified understanding of the type of presentation, logistics, and agreed outcomes and debriefing. Preparation is foundational in guiding group research, writing, and thinking back to focus after engaging in a variety of resources or conversations.

A large audience listening to a row of people sitting at a table on the stage.The audience is at the core of the organizing content. A plan helps group members determine what to put in as well as leave out of the selected content. The group members work to establish group credibility and trustworthiness among their audience. In addition, the plan will assist the group in packaging for various types of audience-centered presentations—one-time presentations; presentations bidding for a long-term relationship; presentations continuing a relationship for offering expertise; or presentations tied to performance appraisals. The plan guides the group in determining the most compatible words, narratives, and enthusiasm to support their relevant messages.

A row of people sitting in chairs on a stageFinally, presenting as one focuses on areas such as (1) purpose, (2) oral content, (3) dress, (4) room, (5) visuals, (6) delivery, and (7) rehearsal(s). The delivery plan allows the group to collectively be aware of their own communication and the communication of others. Also, the plan guides the group in transforming a written script or preparation outline into a delivery outline. Group members unify in elements of vocal and bodily delivery and style. However, most importantly together they identify gaps in content and gain feedback to polish oral and visual content.

Remember “delivering a dynamic presentation is not rocket science; however, it is a lot more complex than most people realize” (Fripp, 2011, p. 16).

Review Questions

  1. List and explain the four coordination elements.
  2. Define the three types of interaction roles.
  3. Describe the difference between a group, a team, and a speaking group.
  4. List and explain a characteristic of the three small-group leadership styles.
  5. Define a skilled follower.
  6. What are the two most common categories of conflict?
  7. Describe the difference between process and product assessment.
  8. What are the four common types of group presentations?
  9. Define relevant messages.


  1. In small groups of 3–4 people, create a presentation about a social media (Facebook, Twitter, music downloads, LinkedIn, photosharing, etc.) for a particular industry.
  2. Describe in your journal an instance when you were both successful and unsuccessful in using participatory communication—participatory communication modes such as a preparedness to listen, assertiveness, clear verbal and nonverbal communication, confidence and empathy.
  3. Before two focus groups, deliver a two-minute group presentation of a topic of your choice to a vocational audience and one to an avocational audience. Discuss the differences.