36 Chapter 9: Political Anthropology: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Study Guide

Chapter 9 Study Guide

Political Anthropology

Use this study guide as you read the selected chapter, to help you focus on the important terms, concepts, people and places. This will also help you prepare for the quiz on this chapter.

  • Age sets
  • Affinal
  • Age grades
  • Atwan, Abdel Bari
  • Authority
  • Azande (cultural group)
  • Band
  • Bedouins (cultural group)
  • Big man
  • Bilateral descent, and bilateral cross-cousin marriage
  • Burakumin (cultural group)
  • Caste system
  • Chiefdom
  • Circumscription
  • Codified law; Code of Hammurabi
  • Diaspora
  • Duels
  • Egalitarian
  • Feud
  • Foragers
  • Haida (cultural group)
  • Hau
  • Hereditary succession
  • Hisbah
  • Ideologies
  • ISIS
  • Jajmani
  • Karma
  • Legitimacy
  • Leopard skin chief (Note: chief is older term)
  • Lineage
  • Manu
  • Maori (cultural group)
  • Matrilateral cross-cousin marriage
  • Matrilineal
  • Maus, Marcel
  • Maya (cultural group)
  • Mbuti (cultural group)
  • Men’s house
  • Natchez (cultural group)
  • Nation
  • Oaths
  • Ordeal
  • Patrilineal
  • Peasants
  • Poro and sande
  • Potlatch
  • Power
  • Proletarianization
  • Raid
  • Ranked societies
  • Reinforcement: positive; negative
  • Restricted exchange
  • Reverse dominance
  • Segmentary lineage
  • Service, Elman
  • Shoshone (cultural group)
  • Social classes
  • Sodality State (definition; and types of states)
  • Stratified societies
  • Sumptuary rules
  • Supernatural beliefs
  • Theocracy Tiriki (cultural group)
  • Total prestations
  • Tribe
  • Unilineal descent
  • Varna
  • Warfare


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