91 Key Learning Items

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the concepts and terminology of Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation
  • Investigate and apply the fundamental questions we ask when looking at art objects from this movement
  • Discuss, collaborate, and generate understanding as to the meaning of Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation
  • Assess and evaluate the impact of Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation on the continued evolution of Western art

Key Questions to Ask

While you are reviewing the content of this module, consider the following questions:

  • How did the Protestant Reformation influence art?
  • How did the Counter-Reformation influence art?
  • What are the key characteristics of Northern Renaissance art?
  • How does Northern Renaissance art differ from Italian Renaissance art?

Key Vocabulary Terms

  • Protestant Reformation
  • Counter-Reformation
  • prints
  • woodcut
  • relief process
  • line
  • engraving
  • intaglio process
  • burin
  • altarpiece
  • grisaille
  • anamorphic image
  • memento mori
  • foreshortening

Here are links to art history glossaries that will help you better understand the above key vocabulary terms.


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