10 Greetings and Introductions

This is a course link to the Discussion Board. By linking to the main discussion board and not the specific discussion, students will be able to see the prompt before entering the board and adding their own threads.

Course Assignment

Self Introduction Speech

This speech will be a 2-3 minute informative presentation in which you will introduce yourself. Tell us about your background or your family. What hobbies or Interests do you have? What are your career goals? Basically tell us anything that you feel comfortable sharing. This speech is worth 50 points. An outline is not required for this speech. You may choose to use two or three notecards to speak from. Simply jot down a few notes to yourself. Do NOT write your speech out word for word.

This speech will be recorded following the requirements outlined in the syllabus. You may not stop and edit your video. You must let it roll. This will be uploaded to YouTube following the directions provided. (FSCJ has privacy settings so only those permitted to view can review your videos. These videos will not be posted for the public to view.)

Here is a link for how to upload your speech video:

How to Upload Videos to YouTube – The Center for eLearning

Note: If necessary, download the video transcript here.

Once you have uploaded your presentation, go to the dropbox and provide the YouTube link to your speech. The rubric for this speech can be found at the end of the syllabus.


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Fundamentals of Public Speaking Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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