
50 Example Letters

Thank You Letter

Safelife Shelter

123 XXX Street · Lincoln, NB 55555

Telephone 555-555-5555

May 10, 2013

Salvador Fuller

2330 XXXX Ave.

Norfolk, VA 55555

Mr. Fuller:

Thank for your donation to Safelife Shelter. Safelife Shelter provides a safe place for women to stay while they make arrangements to relocate. Your generous donation will benefit many of our guests.

Again, we appreciate your thoughtful gift.


Lisa Fox, Director

Transmittal Letter


Magnum Consulting Firm Inc.

2112 Caxton Ave.

Virginia Beach, VA. 55555-555


April 29, 2013


Jeff Newell

Teldon Facilities Corp.

207 Wigmar Drive

Norfolk, VA 23451


Dear Mr. Newell:

Enclosed is the feasibility report, completed April 24, 2013, regarding the theft and drug use concerns at your company. This report includes the research, alternative solutions and recommendations following the problem analysis dated April 2, 2013.

The facility inspection and interviews conducted on all personnel presently employed at your company were beneficial to our research. The hiring of an off-site security team at the behalf of our firm’s request was significant in determining the extent of the problem. Through research conducted by the security team and me, it was discovered that the stealing of company property was a major concern. The drug screen test conducted by the security team identified the personnel possibly involved in the theft. Internal research and external research showed that an extensive background check on prospective employees and an installed security system will greatly reduce possible theft within the company. In addition, a random drug screen at each quarter can be a deterrent for further drug use by employees.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 555-555-5555.



Salvador Fuller

Senior Consultant


Enclosure: Feasibility Report




Inquiry Letter




LANDING MA 55555-5555

(555) 555-5555


May 13, 2013


Mr. Salvador Fuller

Shady Pine Construction Company

555 Shady Pine Lane

Richfield, Virginia 55555-5555


Dear Mr. Fuller:

Thank you for your recent order, dated May 9, 2013, for 100 boxes of business cards. Although you attached company information to be printed on the cards, we need additional information on each employee in order fill your order.

Please send us the following information on each employee:

  • full name,
  • position with the company,
  • business telephone number,
  • fax number,
  • e-mail address.

We would appreciate your sending this information by May 21, 2013. We will print your business cards as soon as we receive this information. If you have any question or concerns, please contact me.

Thank you.



Elisa D. Fox

Director of Purchasing





Claim Letter


1234 XXXX Road

Chesapeake VA 55555

May 15, 2013


Mr. Charles Darwin

Bass Pro Shops

4321 XXXX Road

Chesapeake VA 55555




Dear Mr. Darwin:

I purchased a grill from Bass Pro Shops on May 2, 2013. Your employee XXXX XXXX assisted me and told me it was the best one on the market. I bought the grill on his word and tried it out on our family camping trip on May 5, 2013. From the beginning I knew something was wrong. The installed starter would not light the grill. I had to light a match and drop it in to light the grill. While grilling the hamburger, I realized the grill was not producing enough heat to cook the meat thoroughly. It seemed that the grill was only producing enough gas in to keep a flame but not enough to produce the heat needed to cook the meat.

When I bought the grill, I was told that it had a one year warranty on it. I would just like to exchange the grill for one that works properly. If it is not a problem I would like to pick up my new grill next weekend.

I have enclosed copies of my receipts. Please contact me and let me know when I can return the defected grill and pick up a new one. My phone number is 757-555-5555.

Thank you.





Enclosed: Copies of receipts



Adjustment Letter – Positive


Computers “R” Us

123 XXX Street · Lincoln, NB 55555

Telephone 555-555-5555

April 3, 2013


Lisa Fox

2330 XXXX Ave.

Norfolk, VA 55555




Dear Ms. Fox:

Our records indicate that you spoke with one of our Technical Representatives on March 26, 2013 concerning an improperly assembled AA computer which caused the computer, you purchased from us on March 20, 2013, not to operate. We have received the pictures that you e-mailed us. From these pictures and the troubleshooting done by our technical representative, it was determined that some parts will need to be replaced.

We have ordered new parts to correct the problem. As soon as we receive the replacement parts, one of our service technicians will contact you to make arrangements to come to your residence and make the necessary repairs.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused you. You are a valued customer, Miss Fox, and we appreciate your business. Enclosed is a voucher for a 10 percent discount on your next purchase of computer supplies.

Please contact us with any further concerns.



Salvador Fuller, Manager


Enclosed: Discount voucher


Adjustment Letter – Negative


Computers “R” Us

123 XXX Street · Lincoln, NB 55555

Telephone 555-555-5555

April 3, 2013


Lisa Fox

2330 XXXX Ave.

Norfolk, VA 55555




Dear Ms. Fox:

Our records indicate that you spoke with one of our Technical Representatives on March 26, 2013 concerning an improperly assembled AA computer which caused the computer, you purchased from us on March 20, 2013, not to operate properly. We appreciate your business and we apologize for the problem you are having with the computer.

Although the pictures that you e-mailed us and the troubleshooting done by our technical representative show that some parts will need to be replaced, we regret that we cannot replace the parts free of charge. It appears that you purchased the AA computer on sale, without a warranty.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused you. Please contact us with any further concerns.



Salvador Fuller, Manager


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