106 Outcome: Organizational Structure
What you’ll learn to do: explain how organizational structure contributes to the achievement of each organization’s mission
Organizing is an important but sometimes overlooked function of managers. The way an organization is structured determines how tasks are assigned, who reports to whom, what processes are in place to resolve customer concerns and complaints, and, most important, it designates the manager’s span of control. The best organizations build their structure (organization) around their mission, goals, and objectives, while others allow the company to grow in multiple directions, letting it assume whatever shape the environment encourages. Just as there is no one-size-fits-all legal structure for business, you will learn in this section that there is no one-size-fits-all organizational structure. The expression “form follows function” applies as much to business as it does to bike racks and art.
The learning activities for this section include:
- Reading: Organizing
- Reading: The Organization Chart and Reporting Structure
- Self Check: Organizational Structure
Take time to review and reflect on this activity in order to improve your performance on the assessment for this section.