198 Outcome: The Four Ps of Marketing
What you’ll learn to do: define and give examples of the four Ps of the marketing mix

Not everyone is as excited about peas as Baby Lulu shown in the photo above! As a student of business and marketing, you’ll learn in this section that at least four Ps are vital to the exchange relationship we call marketing. Without the four Ps there would be no marketing mix. As a result, businesses would not be as efficient at developing products that consumers want, pricing them so that consumers will purchase them, promoting them so consumers know they are available, and getting them from their “place” to ours. Even if you didn’t eat or enjoy peas when you were Lulu’s age, after this section you might have gained a solid appreciation for the mighty P.
The learning activities for this section include:
- Reading: The Four Ps of Marketing
- Self Check: The Four Ps of Marketing
Take time to review and reflect on each of these activities in order to improve your performance on the assessment for this section.