343 Welcome to Art History II at Herkimer College of SUNY

Welcome to Art History II on the Internet through Herkimer College.

Here are some instructions on your first steps in the class.

Click on Learning Modules in the left column.

1. Click on Meet the Class in Learning Modules, and create a brief Biography to introduce yourself to the class.

2. Click on Course Information Documents in the Learning Modules. Read all of the Course Information Documents.

Pay special attention to attendance, and grading documents.

3.  Click on Text in the Learning Module. We are using a free on line “text”, hosted by Lumen Learning.

Here is the link, which you will also find in the Course Information Document, and as a stand alone document in the Learning Modules.


4. Visit the class Bulletin Board, which can also be found in the Learning Modules.

You may post information, chat with the other students in the class, etc.

I will email you before class with more information.

If you have any questions, click on communicate at the top of the homepage, and send me course mail.

I am Associate Professor Emeritus Schwabach, you may call me Mr. S. 


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Art History II Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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