
21 Compare/Contrast Essay Freewrite #2

The idea of freewriting is to simply write without stopping to edit or structure your composition. I would ask that you follow this same logic in creating your freewrite here. I am going to post two prompts and I would like you to write to one of them. Try to disregard (or move past) any spelling, grammar, and/or mechanical issues when writing a freewrite. You also need not paragraph or structure this. Just simply write and keep writing. It’s bound to have some of these same issues, but you might be surprised how your ideas flow more easily and any freewrites you do are designed to help you potentially find a topic for the essay unit. That said, please write (over a 10 minute period) to one of the following:

  1. We have all been in a relationship with someone significant in our lives, whether a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, or perhaps a brother/sister or mother/father. Reflect on your relationship with one of those persons. How was the relationship with this person different when you were young? How is it now? What, if anything, changed that relationship? How do you think it will continue to change?
  1. Think of at least two different places you’ve either lived or visited. What do they have in common? What differences are there between the two or more places? What memories do you hold about those two places? Are those memories similar or different? How and why are they similar or different? What factors are influential in determining what those memories mean?


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