64 Module 6 Assignments

Discussion 6

Think of the best story you have ever heard a person tell. What were the qualities of the story than made it the “best” story? How can you use some of these qualities in your presentation?

Journal 6: Professional Speaker Critique

Observe a professional speaker in real time or online. Complete a 1-2 page typed double-spaced critique of a professional public speaker. Address aspects of the nature and purpose of the occasion, delivery (strengths & weaknesses), structure (strengths and weaknesses), and content (strengths and weaknesses) in your paper. Be sure to include accurate public speaking terminology in your critique where appropriate.

Questions you might consider as you listen. These may serve as supporting material for your critique as you prepare it:

  1. Who was the speaker? What are his/her credentials?
  2. Where did he/she speak? Was the room “good” or “bad” and why?
  3. Did the speaker show the signs of public speaking anxiety?
  4. Did the speaker use notes? Did he/she sound conversational? How did that influence his/her effectiveness?
  5. Consider Delivery: What did the speaker do well and why? What could the speaker do better and why?
  6. Consider Structure: What did the speaker do well and why? What could the speaker do better and why?
  7. Consider Content: What did the speaker do well and why? What could the speaker do better and why?

Full Sentence Outline

  • Create a full-sentence outline suitable for a 4 to 5 minute informative speech by following these steps:
  • Review the list of topics for the speech of information and diversity on the next page.
  • Select one topic (NOTE: If you are interested in a topic that is not on the list, you must get the instructor’s approval of it.)
  • Review the outline template (.docx).
  • Follow the outline template and create a full-sentence outline for your speech.
  • Submit your outline for grading.


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