3 YouTube Account Instructions
1) If you have a Gmail account already proceed to step #2. If you do not have a Gmail account, sign up for one at https://www.google.com/gmail using the red Create An Account button.
2) Login to your Gmail account from the Sign In link. Once there access YouTube using the nine-squared tile icon to the left of your name.

3) To send your video to YouTube click the Upload button in the upper right.
4) It is easy to drag and drop your video right into the Select files to upload box.

5) While you are waiting for your video to process change the access to UNLISTED. This prevents it from being searched. Only those with the link can see it. (You can easily set this file to PRIVATE after the course is over.)

6) After processing is complete click the Done button. The following screen appears that gives you the link to add to the discussion forum and assignment dropbox in Moodle.

7) To locate this video click on your Video Manager on the left-hand side. All your videos will appear with an edit button to the right of each one.