
91 Cardio Respiratory Endurance Readings


The readings will help you better understand the one of the health-related components of fitness: CR endurance, also called aerobic endurance.


The rest of this chapter contains your reading for this section.

Additionally, information on these external sources will be useful to deepen your understanding:

This is the news release regarding the 2011 ACSM exercise position stand paper and it summarizes the guidelines contained in the document. It is crucial that you learn the information in the bulletpoints and that you apply it to your own exercise plan you will be creating for this class. At this point you can focus on the CR exercise recommendations only.

This is the complete ACSM position stand paper. It is more complex reading than most of the reading assignments up to this point; however, it contains great evidence-based information about exercise and cites all the scientific papers that support the current guidelines. I highly recommend you read from the introduction to article page 1342 (on the PDF version of the article, which can be downloaded on the side of the webpage).

  • Read HR Monitoring_Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine & Health (Dalleck, Lance C., and Jessica L. Mayer. “Heart Rate Training Methods and Monitoring.” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine & Health. Ed. James M. Rippe. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2012. 553-556. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Retrieved from  http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX1959000168&v=2.1&u=viva2_nvcc&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=d30f82255729b1f789cf908215366226)

When reading this article pay special attention to the differences between the HR maximum and the HR reserve methods. Notice how the HR reserve method is more individualized because it takes in consideration the person’s own resting HR. Furthermore, read the section on the misconceptions and compare it with any previous knowledge you had on these topics.

  • Read Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training (Su, John K. “Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training.” Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine. Ed. Lyle J. Micheli. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2011. 159-161. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Retrieved from  http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX1959700077&v=2.1&u=viva2_nvcc&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=d996bcbb582c3b886459c7e69c269f82)

This article explains how our bodies utilize three energy systems to produce work during exercise: creatine phosphate system, non-oxidative system, and oxidative system. Although these systems can active at the same time, different exercises and sports may rely on one system more than the others based on the intensity and duration of the activity.

You are not required to read the information on muscular fitness/resistance training and flexibility at this point.

This overview document was created by Mr. Travis M. Erickson, MS, CSCS*D, Lecturer for the Appalachian State University department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science (ericksontm@appstate.edu).


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