
152 Assessment: Post-Tests & Activity Logs


Now that you have completed your fitness program, it is time to evaluate your progress for the last time.  Again, your CR posttest must be the same as your CR pretest.


  • Click the President’s Challenge Fitness Test link to take the tests.
  • See “Fitness Test Instructions” at the beginning of Unit Two for directions to submit the assignment
  • When you submit the posttests, also submit your  pretest report (you do not need to submit the midsemester updates).
  • Write a brief reflection and compare your pretest scores with your posttest scores.
  • For your physical activity logs, go to the Super Tracker website and click on “My Reports” then “History Charts” at the top of the page.
  • Select “Physical Activity” on the left side of the page, enter your time period and dates (weekly), select chart type (bar or line graph), then create your report.
  • Export or save the report as a PDF file.  If your computer will not allow you to do this, copy and paste the chart (only the chart, not the entire page) into a document and save.
  • This assignment will have two documents: your posttest report (submit as a Word document) and your physical activity report. Upload both directly into the course as one submission.


This assignment is worth 15 points maximum. Your work will be assessed using the Post-Test and Activity Logs Grading







0 points 3 points

Must include results for aerobic endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance (half sit-ups and push-ups), BMI, and waist circumference.


0 points

3 points

Must include results for aerobic endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance (half sit-ups and push-ups), BMI, and waist circumference.


0 points 4 points

Well-constructed reflection comparing your pre-test scored with your post-test scores and submitted by the deadline. Posting must be at least 2 sentences long.

Activity tracker report

0 points

5 points

Physical activity report including 8 weeks of exercise program


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