
3 Printing a Document

  1. To print a document, press the FILE tab.  The Backstage view appears that has a listing of Infor, New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Share, Export, Close, Account, Options.  Choose the Print option


  1. The Print menu appears.


3. The Print menu has many parts.

a.  The Print Button

b.  The number of copies

c.  The Printer used

d.  Settings

1) Print All Pages

2) Print One Side

3) Collated (1,2,3) not used

4) Portrait option

5)  Letter (size) not used

6)  Normal Margins not used

7) 1 Page Per Sheet.

All these options discussed on the next page.


  1. Print Button.  Use this button after all the settings have been decided.
  2. Number of copies.  The number of printed copies can be set here.  When the up facing arrow is pressed, the number of copies increase.  Conversely, when the down facing arrow is pressed, it reduces the number of copies.  Usually only one copy is done at a time.
  3. The Printer used.  This is a setting that has already been chosen.  This will not be changed. (For example: 
  4. Settings.  This section fine tunes the result of the printing task.
  5. Print all Pages.  This is the normal or default setting.  When the down facing arrow is depressed, this menu comes up and gives other options.

  • Print all Pages can be manipulated to print just the first and last page of a document by using a comma between the page numbers (Example: 1, 4).  This would print page 1 and page 4.

Or a hyphen can be used to print a certain group of pages such as 4-11.  This would print pages 4-11 and not pages 1-3 or 11-20, if there were 20 pages in the document.


  • Print Current Page means it would print the page you are currently on and you don’t have indicate what pages to type.


  • Custom Print, Document Info, List of Markup, Styles, Auto Text Entries – not used for this course. More information can be found on line if you are interested.



From the Print One Side down facing arrow is pressed, thre are four options.

  1. Print one Side – normal or default.
  2. Print both sides – saves paper if a long document and it flips the pages on the long end (the 11 inch end
  3. Print both sides – saves paper also and flips on the short end (8 ½ ) side. [Note: a piece of regular paper is 8 l/2 inches wide and 11 inches long.]
  4. Manual print means that a sheet of paper is manually inserted in a different area of the print. Have someone show you this option if you are curious.  It is good for printing envelopes.  It won’t be used in this class.


7. Collated means how your pages print out.  The default (Normal) format is to print pages in order.  The other feature is Uncollated and it would do multiple page 1s then multiple page 2s, etc.  Since most of the information you will submit is less than 3 pages, this feature will not be changed when you print.


8.  Portrait Orientation.  Paper can be printed in two different ways.  Portrait and Landscape.  This feature will be dicussed in later lessons and this choice can be made through the Page Layout tab instead of using this printing option.  Landscape prints with the text going across the paper from short side to long side.  Portrait prints long side to long side.


9.  Letter size default is 8 ½ inches by 11 inches – the size of piece of paper normally used.  If you click on this options you will notice several different sizes that can be programed in including executive stationery and envelopes.


10. Margins.  Margins you have set in the document can be changed here.  You may notice in the picture of the document that it would be better widen the margins to get more information on a page.  Again you could change it here.  Otherwise go back to the document and use Page Layout, Page Setup, Margins.


11.   One page per sheet is the default (normal) meaning the information you are printed will print one page at a time, not multiple pages on the same sheet.This isn’t used for this course.




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