
86 Major Geographic Qualities of South Asia

Major Geographic Qualities of South Asia

1. The present political geography resulted from the partitioning of British India in 1947.

a. India was created for followers of Hinduism.

b. Pakistan (East and West) was created for followers of Islam.

c. East Pakistan became independent Bangladesh in 1971.

d. Gandhi instrumental in bringing about this momentus change. (Rent the video, Gandhi– you will enjoy it).

2. This is the heart of the world’s second greatest population cluster.

a. India will pass China with over 1.2 billion by 2020.

b. Densities along the Ganges floodplain among the highest in the world.

c. Death rates have fallen, while birth rates remain extraordianrily high.

d. Population pressures the number one concern for this region.

3. The physical geography is well defined.

a. Himalayas to the north a barrier to contact with centarl and east Asia.

b. Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra rivers vital.

c. Large areas of plateaus, deserts, coastal mountain ranges.

4. India displays a dual economy.

a. 70% of the people are rural subsistence farmers.

b. India’s industrial, high tech sector makes India the 10th leading industrial power in the world.

5. Influence of religion powerful.

a. Hinduism the basis of life in India. The caste system well entenched in rural India.

b. Islam dominates Pakistan and Bangladesh.

c. Sectarian violence and factionalism a growing problem in the region.

6. The region displays dramatic cultural diversity.

a. India has 15 major languages. English has long been the lingua franca, but Hindi is now becoming dominant.

7. Agriculture improving in the region.

a. The Green Revolution has been of great assistance.

b. Rice the staple in the Monsoon areas, wheat the staple in the drier areas.

8. Many problems persist.

a. Rural to urban migration continues, placing pressure on overburdened cities, and reducing the agricultural

labor force.

b. Most people remain desperately poor. Per capita income in the region under $200. per annum.

c. The lack of income means there is a lack of capital, so technology is widely unavailable.

d. Environemtal pollution problems and disasters too common. (Remember Bhopal?)

e. Custom and tradition remain an anchor on progress for many.


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