
104 How You Will Be Graded

Your grade will be determined in the following way:

1. Seminars on the textbook chapters and research topics account for 50 percent of the course grade.
2. Exams and tests account for 25 percent of the course grade.
3. The Research Paper accounts for 25 percent of the course grade.

(Seminar Average * .5)  +  (Exam average *  .25)  +  (Research Paper Grade * .25) = Adjusted Average

Course Grade Adjusted Average
 A+  97
 A  93
 A-  90
 B+  87
 B  83
 B-  80
 C+  77
 C  73
 C-  70
 D+  67
 D  63
 D-  60
 F  Less than 60


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