
138 Evaluation_Grading


Your grade in HU 115/ Art Appreciation will be evaluated based on the following :

1. Successful completion of written work assigned in each module.           20%

2. Successful participation in on-line discussion topics in each module.     40%

3. Successful completion of hands on art projects.                                        20%

4. Successful completion of Museum Research Project.                                10%

5. Successful completion of tests in a variety of topics related to art          10%                

Don’t let #3 concern you. I will be grading on sincere effort here as much as artistic ability,and completing these art experiences in a timely manner.

The points necessary for a grade of A+ = 93 and above

A = 90

A- = 88

B+ = 85

B = 80

B- = 78

C+ = 75

C = 70

C- = 68

D+ = 65

D = 60

D- = 58

F = 55 and below

You will be evaluated in the discussion by two criteria:

A. The quantity of participation.

B. The quality of your participation. I will let you know early in the course, as to the quality of your participation.

C. See complete explanation of discussion evaluation in supplemental documents. 


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Art Appreciation Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.