
48 Sample resume

Here is one format you can consider. Remember that a resume is a personal document- its content/design is a reflection of your skills and experiences.


                      Resume of Kim Smith
                                                         41 Hale Storm Drive
                                                         Chatham, N.Y. 12999
                                                        Phone (518) 923-9445
Objective                    To use my skills as a press operator.
Skills                           Pre-press
v      Price quoting
v      Pasting up
v      Graphic designing
v      Platemaking
v      Inventory tracking
v      Multigraphics 1450
v      AB Dick 30 Pro
v      Multigraphics CopyBinder 24
v      Itek 617 S
v      Collating
v      Stapling
v      Padding
v      Laminating
v      Book binding
v      Drilling
v      Cutting
v      Billing
Employment               1987-2005       Champlain Valley Educational Services
                                                            Plattsburgh, NY
                                                            Offset Press Operator
v      Sample jobs include: school newsletters, report cards, brochures, letterhead and envelopes.
Education                    2004-2005       Clinton Community College
                                                            Plattsburgh, NY
                                                            Pursuing an AA in Medical Lam Technology
v      Courses include: Technical Writing, Intro to Microcomputer Applications; Biology I & 2, Psychology, Sociology, English Composition, Algebra
1985-1987              Champlain Valley Educational Services
Plattsburgh, NY
Printing & Photography Program
v      Skills include: Darkroom techniques, metal plate making, paper plate making, chemical mixing, computer billing, press running and maintenance.
References                 Available upon request


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